Big 4 Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurants You Should At Least Try Once


Are you a sushi fan? Good!

As you can see, there are all kinds of sushi restaurants in Japan. From small to big, cheap to expensive. How would you find your favorite one among the tremendous amount of sushi restaurants? It’s not a bad idea to try major conveyor belt sushi restaurants, or kaiten sushi restaurants, at least once. You should be able to find one near your house, office or in the big cities you hangout on weekends. Or, check the location maps in the article along with the ways to order specific menu. Enjoy your sushi time!

Meet the big four kaiten sushi restaurants!

NameHamasushiSushiroKappa Sushikurasushi
Shop logo

hamasushi logo

Sushiro logoKappasushi logoKurasushi logo
Selling point90yen on weekdaysBest for priceAll you can eatNo food additives
 Avg price100yen/plate100yen/plate100yen/plate100yen/plate
Buffet deal (Men)1580yen
LocationsOfficial ListOfficial ListNo English ListOfficial List

Hamasushi (はま寿司)

Hamasushi is the largest conveyor belt sushi chain with the biggest number of sushi restaurants all over Japan. Most of the sushi menus are usually 100yen, but they are 90yen on weekdays, unbelievable. How about dropping by Hamasushi near your home after work?

Sushiro (スシロー)

People say that Sushiro offers the best quality for the price. Side dishes are also very popular. Even if you don’t like sushi or you usually get tired of sushi’s vinegary taste fast, you’ll be satisfied with Sushiro’s vast variety of side dishes.

Kurasushi (くら寿司)

Kurasushi declares its menus have no chemical seasonings, artificial sweeteners, artificial colorings or artificial preservatives. They have the widest range of menus. Also, there are fun tricks for kids including the famous bullet train conveyor belt. Kurasuhi can be the most kids friendly and health conscious chain among the big four.

Kappa sushi (かっぱ寿司)

If you are a sushi lover, there is no way to miss Kappa sushi’s 60-minute all-you-can-eat deal. It’s offered only from 2pm to 5pm on weekdays. 1580yen for man, 1480yen for woman.

How to order sushi in Nihongo

Is it okay to order a specific sushi menu at conveyor belt sushi chains?

Of course! Just start with pushing the bell on the table or call a staff by saying “Sumimasen!” or “Excuse me!”.

Then, use the list below to order. You might find Hamasushi’s English Menu useful.

Common sushi menus

Red SeabreamたいタイTai
Sea Urchin雲丹うにウニUni

Types/Styles of sushi

Sliced ingredients on top握りにぎりニギリNigiri
Boat Shaped Rolled軍艦巻きぐんかんまきグンカンマキGunkan-maki
Thin Rolled細巻きほそまきほそまきHoso-maki

Practice your Nihongo every meal

Ordering food at restaurants is a very simple yet a practical way to improve your Nihongo. You’ll get used to speaking Nihongo since you have the opportunity during each meal. Eventually, you’ll feel more comfortable having a small talk with a restaurant staff.

Hope you enjoy both sushi and conversations with the staffs. We’d be more than happy to update the list of the sushi menu or any information in the article. Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below!

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